Market Share

The percentage of the total market sales captured by a retailer, calculated by dividing the retailer's sales by the total market sales.

What is Market Share?

Market share is the percentage of total sales or revenue a company captures in a specific market. It helps assess a company's competitiveness and market position. Higher market share means greater market dominance, while lower market share may require strategic improvements.

How Market Share works

  • Calculating Market Share: To calculate market share, you need to know the company's sales or revenue and the total sales or revenue of the entire market. The formula for calculating market share is: Market Share = (Company's Sales or Revenue / Total Market Sales or Revenue) * 100 For example, if a company's sales are $1 million and the total market sales are $10 million, the market share would be: Market Share = ($1 million / $10 million) * 100 = 10%

  • Monitoring Competitors: Companies continuously monitor their competitors' performance and market share to understand their relative positions in the market. This information helps them identify areas where they are gaining or losing ground against competitors.

  • Strategic Decision Making: Market share data is used to make informed strategic decisions. Companies may develop strategies to increase their market share by launching new products, improving existing products, or expanding into new markets.

  • Benchmarking: Market share serves as a benchmark for a company's performance over time. By tracking market share regularly, companies can assess the effectiveness of their strategies and make necessary adjustments.

  • Market Dynamics: Market share data provides insights into market dynamics. For example, a declining market share might indicate increasing competition or changing customer preferences, prompting companies to adapt their approaches.

  • Competitive Advantage: A higher market share often signifies a competitive advantage, such as superior product offerings, strong brand reputation, efficient operations, or effective marketing.

  • Industry Analysis: Market share data is valuable for industry analysis. It helps analysts and investors evaluate the market position and potential growth prospects of different companies within the industry.
It's important to note that market share alone may not give a comprehensive picture of a company's performance. Other metrics like profitability, customer satisfaction, and return on investment should be considered in conjunction with market share to make well-rounded business decisions. Additionally, market share may vary across different market segments, so companies may focus on increasing share in specific target markets where they have a competitive advantage.

Pros of Market Share

  1. Competitive Positioning: Market share provides a clear indication of a company's competitive positioning within its industry. A higher market share suggests that a company is performing well and has a larger customer base compared to its competitors. This can be a source of competitive advantage and can attract more customers and investors.
  2. Business Performance Indicator: Market share is a key performance indicator that helps companies assess their success and growth in the market. It allows businesses to track their progress over time and evaluate the effectiveness of their strategies. Increasing market share indicates successful business expansion, while declining market share may signal the need for adjustments to regain momentum.
  3. Industry Influence: Companies with significant market share often have a greater influence on the industry. They may set industry standards, influence pricing, and have better bargaining power with suppliers and retailers. This influence can create barriers to entry for new competitors and enhance the company's overall market position.

Cons of Market Share

  1. Limited Perspective: Relying solely on market share as a performance metric may provide an incomplete view of a company's overall health. A high market share might not necessarily translate into profitability or customer satisfaction. Focusing too much on market share alone can overlook other critical aspects of business success, such as profitability, customer loyalty, and innovation.
  2. Market Dynamics: Market share can be influenced by various external factors beyond a company's control, such as changes in the overall market size, economic conditions, or shifts in consumer preferences. Therefore, fluctuations in market share may not always be indicative of a company's internal performance, but rather the result of external market forces.
  3. Competition and Saturation: Aiming solely to gain market share can lead to intense competition and price wars among competitors. This could negatively impact profitability and may not necessarily result in sustainable long-term growth. Additionally, in mature or saturated markets, increasing market share becomes more challenging, and high market share companies may face diminishing returns on further expansion efforts.


Below you will find answers to common questions
What is a Markdown Plan, and why is it important for retailers?
A Markdown Plan is a strategic pricing strategy used by retailers to manage inventory, optimise sales, and clear out slow-moving or seasonal merchandise. It involves systematically reducing the prices of products over time to attract customers and stimulate demand. Markdown Plans are essential for retailers because they help prevent overstocking, minimise inventory holding costs, and maintain healthy profit margins. By strategically planning markdowns, retailers can strike a balance between maximising revenue and minimising losses on unsold inventory.
How do retailers determine the timing and extent of markdowns in their Markdown Plan?
Retailers use various factors to determine the timing and extent of markdowns in their Markdown Plan. These factors include historical sales data, inventory turnover rates, product lifecycle stage, seasonal demand patterns, and market trends. Data analytics and forecasting tools play a crucial role in identifying the optimal timing and markdown levels. Retailers also consider external factors like competitor pricing and customer behaviour to make informed decisions. The goal is to strike a balance between maximising revenue from initial sales at full price and minimising inventory levels to avoid excess stock and potential losses.