Reorder Point

The inventory level at which a new order should be placed to replenish stock, based on factors such as lead time, demand forecast, and desired service level.

What is Reorder Point?

Reorder Point is the inventory level at which a retailer decides to replenish a particular product. It's the point at which a new order is placed with the supplier to restock the product before it runs out. The reorder point is calculated based on factors such as lead time, desired service level, and the rate of sales or consumption.

How Reorder Point works

  • Demand Estimation: Retailers analyse historical sales data to estimate the average daily or weekly sales for a product.

  • Lead Time: Retailers determine the lead time, which is the time it takes from placing an order with a supplier to receiving the goods.

  • Safety Stock: A safety stock is added to the reorder point to account for variations in demand and lead time. This buffer ensures that even if there are unexpected spikes in demand or delays in delivery, the retailer won't run out of stock.

  • Calculation: The Reorder Point is calculated using the formula: Reorder Point = (Average Daily Sales × Lead Time) + Safety Stock.

  • Triggering Reorder: When the current stock level reaches the Reorder Point, a new purchase order is generated and sent to the supplier. This allows enough time for the new stock to arrive before the current stock is depleted.

  • Optimisation: Retailers continuously monitor the performance of the Reorder Point and adjust it based on changing customer demand patterns, lead times, and desired service levels. This optimisation ensures that inventory is managed efficiently.

  • Preventing Stockouts: By maintaining an appropriate Reorder Point, retailers avoid stockouts and ensure products are available for customers. This enhances customer satisfaction and prevents lost sales opportunities.

  • Cost Management: The Reorder Point helps retailers strike a balance between holding excess inventory (which ties up capital) and the risk of stockouts. It allows retailers to optimise inventory levels, reducing carrying costs and improving overall profitability.
In essence, the Reorder Point is a dynamic threshold that guides retailers in making timely replenishment decisions, ensuring a seamless flow of products to meet customer demands while minimising the costs associated with excess inventory.

Pros of Reorder Point

  1. Optimised Inventory Management: Reorder Points help retailers maintain the right amount of inventory to meet customer demand without overstocking. This leads to efficient inventory management, reduces carrying costs, and prevents excess inventory accumulation.
  2. Prevents Stockouts: By setting a Reorder Point, retailers ensure that they replenish inventory before it runs out. This minimises the risk of stockouts, which can result in lost sales, dissatisfied customers, and damage to the retailer's reputation.
  3. Enhanced Customer Service: With a well-calibrated Reorder Point, retailers can consistently provide products to customers when they need them. This enhances customer satisfaction, fosters customer loyalty, and contributes to positive word-of-mouth marketing.

Cons of Reorder Point

  1. Demand Variability: Reorder Points are based on historical demand data, and if demand patterns change unexpectedly, the reorder point might not accurately reflect the current demand. This can lead to stockouts or overstocking, affecting both customer satisfaction and inventory costs.
  2. Lead Time Variability: Reorder Points assume a consistent lead time for replenishing inventory. If lead times vary due to supplier issues, transportation delays, or other factors, the reorder point might not align with actual replenishment needs.
  3. Complexity of Calculation: Determining the optimal reorder point involves considering various factors such as demand variability, lead times, safety stock levels, and desired service levels. Calculating and adjusting these factors accurately can be complex and time-consuming, requiring advanced inventory management skills.


Below you will find answers to common questions
What is the Reorder Point, and why is it important for our retail business?
The Reorder Point (ROP) is the inventory level at which we should place a new order to replenish stock before it runs out. It's a critical aspect of inventory management to ensure we have products available for customers while avoiding stockouts. ROP considers factors like lead time, demand variability, and desired service levels to help us strike the right balance between carrying excess inventory and risking stockouts.
How can we determine the Reorder Point for our products?
To calculate the Reorder Point, we need to consider the average demand during the lead time plus some safety stock to account for demand fluctuations and uncertainties. The formula is: ROP = (Average Daily Demand × Lead Time) + Safety Stock. Safety stock acts as a buffer against unexpected variations in demand or lead time. By analysing historical demand data and lead times, we can set appropriate safety stock levels and establish accurate reorder points for different products in our inventory.