Scenario Planning

A strategic planning method that explores multiple possible future outcomes, based on different assumptions and variables, used to inform demand forecasting decisions.

What is Scenario Planning?

Scenario planning is a strategic technique that involves creating and analysing multiple future scenarios to inform decision-making. It helps organisations anticipate potential outcomes, analyse risks and opportunities, and develop strategies to adapt to changing circumstances. It promotes continuous learning and enhances resilience by identifying and mitigating risks.

How Scenario Planning works

  • Identify Key Factors: Determine the critical factors that are likely to influence the organisation's future, such as market trends, technological advancements, regulatory changes, or consumer behaviour.

  • Develop Scenarios: Create different scenarios based on varying assumptions about these key factors. Each scenario represents a distinct possible future.

  • Analyse Scenarios: Thoroughly analyse each scenario, considering its implications, risks, opportunities, and challenges. Assess the potential impact on the organisation's objectives, strategies, and operations.

  • Extract Insights: Extract insights from the scenario analysis to inform decision-making. Identify common themes, emerging trends, and potential strategies that are robust across multiple scenarios.

  • Plan and Adapt: Develop strategies and action plans that are flexible and adaptable to different scenarios. Implement measures to monitor key indicators and triggers, allowing for adjustments as new information becomes available.

  • Review and Update: Regularly review and update the scenarios as the business environment evolves. Continuously learn from the outcomes and refine the scenarios and strategies accordingly.
Scenario planning enables organisations to think strategically, anticipate future possibilities, and make more informed decisions. By considering multiple scenarios, organisations can be better prepared to navigate uncertainties and adapt to changing circumstances effectively.

Pros of Scenario Planning

  1. Enhanced Decision-Making: Scenario planning helps organisations make more informed and robust decisions. By considering multiple scenarios, decision-makers gain a broader perspective of possible future outcomes and their implications. This allows for more strategic decision-making that takes into account a range of potential risks and opportunities.
  2. Improved Risk Management: Scenario planning helps organisations identify and mitigate risks more effectively. By exploring various scenarios, organisations can anticipate potential risks and develop contingency plans and strategies to address them. This proactive approach to risk management enhances the organisation's resilience and ability to navigate uncertainties.
  3. Strategic Adaptability: Scenario planning enables organisations to be more adaptable and responsive to changing circumstances. By anticipating different scenarios, organisations can develop flexible strategies that can be adjusted as needed. This agility allows organisations to seize emerging opportunities, navigate challenges, and maintain a competitive edge in a rapidly changing business environment.

Cons of Scenario Planning

  1. Complexity and Resource Intensity: Scenario planning can be a complex and resource-intensive process. It requires gathering and analysing data, conducting research, and engaging stakeholders. Developing and exploring multiple scenarios can be time-consuming and may require substantial expertise and resources.
  2. Uncertainty and Accuracy: Scenario planning involves making assumptions about future events and trends, which inherently carries uncertainty. The accuracy of the scenarios depends on the quality of the assumptions and the validity of the data used. It is important to recognise that scenarios are not predictions but rather plausible representations of potential futures.
  3. Overreliance on Scenarios: There is a risk of overreliance on scenarios, where organisations may become too fixated on a specific scenario or fail to consider other important factors. It is important to balance scenario analysis with other forms of strategic planning and remain open to alternative perspectives and unforeseen developments.


Below you will find answers to common questions
What would be the impact of a global economic recession on our business?
A global economic recession could have several potential impacts on our business. Demand for our products/services may decline as consumers cut back on spending. It may also lead to increased price competition and supply chain disruptions. To mitigate these impacts, we would need to consider strategies such as diversifying into new markets, optimising operational efficiency, and implementing cost-saving measures.
What would happen if a major competitor introduces a disruptive technology in our industry?
The introduction of a disruptive technology by a major competitor could significantly impact our industry. It could render our current products/services obsolete or less competitive. To address this challenge, we would need to invest in research and development to stay at the forefront of technology. We might also explore partnerships or acquisitions to gain access to relevant technologies or consider diversifying our product/service portfolio to reduce dependency on a single offering.