Allocation Strategy

The approach to distributing inventory across retail stores or channels, considering factors such as demand, store capacity, and sales performance.

What is Allocation Strategy?

Allocation strategy is a plan or approach used to distribute resources, such as time, money, or assets, in a systematic and efficient manner. It involves making decisions on how to allocate resources to different activities, projects, or investments based on specific criteria or goals.

The goal is to optimise resource utilisation and achieve desired outcomes by strategically assigning resources where they are most needed or can generate the greatest value.

How Allocation Strategy works

  • Resource Assessment: Start by evaluating the available resources, including time, money, personnel, and assets. Understand the limitations and capacities of each resource.

  • Prioritisation: Identify the most critical goals, projects, or activities that align with your overall objectives. Determine which areas require the greatest allocation of resources.

  • Criteria for Allocation: Establish clear criteria or guidelines for allocating resources. This could include factors such as potential return on investment, urgency, strategic importance, risk assessment, or resource availability.

  • Resource Allocation Decision-Making: Make informed decisions on how to distribute resources based on the established criteria. Consider the needs, dependencies, and potential synergies between different projects or activities.

  • Monitoring and Adjustment: Continuously monitor the allocation of resources and track the progress and outcomes of each project or activity. Adjust the allocation strategy as needed to adapt to changing circumstances or to optimise resource utilisation.

  • Communication and Collaboration: Ensure effective communication and collaboration among stakeholders involved in resource allocation. This helps to align expectations, gain input, and foster collaboration in making allocation decisions.

  • Evaluation and Feedback: Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of the allocation strategy by measuring the outcomes and impact of resource allocation decisions. Collect feedback from stakeholders to identify areas for improvement and refine the strategy accordingly.
By following these points, an allocation strategy helps organisations or individuals make well-informed decisions on how to allocate resources efficiently, prioritise their efforts, and maximise the chances of achieving desired outcomes.

Pros of Allocation Strategy

  1. Efficient Resource Utilisation: An allocation strategy ensures that resources are used effectively and efficiently, maximising their impact. It helps prevent wastage and directs resources towards activities or projects that align with strategic goals, leading to optimal utilisation.
  2. Strategic Decision Making: An allocation strategy provides a framework for making informed and strategic decisions about resource allocation. It helps prioritise activities or projects that have the highest potential for success and align with long-term objectives, enabling organisations to achieve their goals effectively.
  3. Prioritisation and Focus: An allocation strategy enables clear prioritisation of activities or projects. It helps decision-makers focus their resources and efforts on key initiatives, avoiding spreading resources too thin. This ensures that resources are concentrated on areas of the highest importance, improving overall productivity and outcomes.

Cons of Allocation Strategy

  1. Rigidity: An allocation strategy may introduce a level of rigidity to resource allocation decisions. This can limit flexibility and hinder the ability to respond quickly to changing circumstances or seize emerging opportunities that may require a deviation from the predefined allocation plan.
  2. Resource Constraints: Implementing an allocation strategy may be challenging if there are resource constraints. Limited availability of resources, such as funding or personnel, can restrict the ability to allocate resources as planned, potentially affecting the achievement of desired outcomes.
  3. Misalignment with Changing Priorities: Over time, organisational priorities and objectives may evolve. If an allocation strategy is not regularly reviewed and adjusted, it can become misaligned with the current needs and goals of the organisation. This can result in suboptimal resource allocation that does not effectively support the new priorities and objectives.


Below you will find answers to common questions
How do I determine the criteria for allocating resources in my Allocation Strategy?
Determining the criteria for resource allocation in your allocation strategy involves considering various factors. Start by identifying your organisational goals and objectives. Then, consider factors such as project importance, potential return on investment, urgency, risk assessment, resource availability, and strategic alignment. By carefully evaluating these criteria and weighing their importance, you can establish a set of guidelines that align with your specific needs and priorities.
How can I monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of my Allocation Strategy?
Monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of your allocation strategy is crucial for making improvements. To do so, define key performance indicators (KPIs) that align with your objectives and track them regularly. Measure the progress and outcomes of the allocated resources against these KPIs. Collect feedback from stakeholders involved in the allocation process to gain insights and identify areas for improvement. By continuously monitoring, analysing, and adjusting your allocation strategy based on performance data and feedback, you can enhance its effectiveness over time.