Price Point Analysis

An evaluation of the performance of products at different price points within a retail store's merchandise mix, used to inform pricing and assortment planning decisions.

What is Price Point Analysis?

Price point analysis is the process of evaluating the pricing structure and performance of products across different price levels. It involves segmenting products based on price ranges, analysing demand and sales at each price point, benchmarking against competitors, evaluating price elasticity, and assessing profitability. The analysis helps retailers understand customer preferences, optimise pricing strategies, and make data-driven decisions to maximise sales and profitability.

How Price Point Analysis works

  • Segmentation: Products are categorised into different price ranges or segments based on their pricing structure, allowing for a better understanding of customer perception and preferences at different price levels.

  • Sales and Demand Analysis: The sales performance and demand for products at each price point are examined. This involves analysing historical sales data, market research, and customer feedback to identify which price points generate the highest sales volume and revenue.

  • Competitor Comparison: Retailers compare their pricing strategy and product offerings with competitors to assess their competitive position. This helps identify opportunities for differentiation through pricing or adjustments to match market trends.

  • Price Elasticity Evaluation: Price elasticity, which measures customer sensitivity to price changes, is evaluated. By understanding how demand fluctuates with price variations, retailers can determine the impact of price changes on sales volume and revenue.

  • Profitability Assessment: The profitability of products at different price levels is assessed. This includes considering factors such as the cost of goods, profit margins, and sales volume to determine the price points that yield the highest profitability.
Based on the insights gained from price point analysis, retailers can optimise their pricing strategies. This may involve setting the right price levels, implementing promotional pricing, adjusting pricing tiers, or exploring opportunities to enhance profitability. The goal is to align pricing with customer preferences, market dynamics, and profitability objectives to drive sales and maximise profitability.

Pros of Price Point Analysis

  1. Optimised Pricing Strategy: Price point analysis helps retailers identify the optimal price levels for their products. By understanding customer preferences and demand at different price points, retailers can strategically set prices that maximise sales volume and revenue. This leads to improved profitability and a competitive advantage in the market.
  2. Enhanced Customer Value: Price point analysis allows retailers to align their pricing with customer perceptions of value. By identifying the price points that resonate with customers and offer the right balance between price and quality, retailers can enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. This leads to increased customer retention and positive brand perception.
  3. Data-Driven Decision Making: Price point analysis relies on data and insights from sales performance, customer behaviour, and market dynamics. By leveraging this data, retailers can make informed pricing decisions rather than relying on guesswork or assumptions. Data-driven decision making minimises the risk of pricing errors and increases the likelihood of achieving desired business outcomes.

Cons of Price Point Analysis

  1. Complexity and Resource Intensity: Price point analysis can be a complex and resource-intensive process. It requires collecting and analysing data from various sources, segmenting products, evaluating competitor pricing, and assessing price elasticity. This can be time-consuming and may require advanced analytical tools and expertise, which could pose challenges for smaller businesses with limited resources.
  2. Limited Scope of Analysis: Price point analysis focuses primarily on pricing-related factors and may not capture the full range of influences on consumer behaviour. Other factors such as product quality, brand reputation, marketing efforts, and customer service can also impact purchasing decisions. Ignoring these factors in the analysis could result in incomplete insights and suboptimal pricing strategies.
  3. Dynamic Market Conditions: The retail market is constantly evolving, with changing consumer preferences, competitive dynamics, and market trends. Price point analysis relies on historical data and assumptions, which may not fully account for these dynamic market conditions. If the analysis is based on outdated or inaccurate data, it may lead to ineffective pricing strategies that do not align with current market realities.


Below you will find answers to common questions
At which price point should we introduce a new product to maximise sales?
To determine the optimal price point for a new product, it is important to consider factors such as market demand, competitor pricing, and cost structure. Conducting market research and analysing historical sales data of similar products can help identify price ranges that align with customer expectations. Additionally, conducting pricing experiments or surveys with target customers can provide insights into their willingness to pay. By balancing these factors, a suitable price point can be determined to maximise sales volume and profitability.
How should we adjust prices during a promotional campaign to achieve the desired sales increase?
Adjusting prices during a promotional campaign requires careful consideration of various factors. First, assess the price elasticity of the products involved to understand how sensitive customer demand is to price changes. Identify the desired sales increase target and calculate the pricing adjustment required to achieve that goal. Additionally, analyse the impact of the promotional pricing on profitability, considering factors like increased sales volume, potential cannibalisation of regular-priced products, and the overall campaign budget. Balancing these factors will help determine the appropriate price adjustments during the promotional period to achieve the desired sales increase while maintaining profitability.