Pre-Season Planning

The process of developing product assortment, inventory, and pricing strategies before the start of a selling season, based on factors such as historical performance, market trends, and anticipated customer demand.

What is Pre-Season Planning?

Pre-season planning is the strategic process retailers undertake to prepare for an upcoming selling season or collection launch. It involves setting goals, determining merchandise assortments, creating budgets, and establishing strategies to maximise sales and profitability. Retailers analyse market trends, plan the product assortment, set budgets, and develop sales and promotion strategies. Pre-season planning sets the foundation for a successful selling season by aligning goals, merchandise, budgets, and strategies.

How Pre-Season Planning works

  • Analysis: Retailers analyse market trends, customer preferences, and historical sales data to identify opportunities and understand demand patterns for the upcoming season.

  • Goal Setting: Retailers set specific goals and objectives for the season, such as sales targets, profit margins, or market share growth, to guide decision-making and measure success.

  • Merchandise Planning: Retailers determine the optimal assortment of products based on customer preferences and market trends. They consider factors like product categories, styles, colors, sizes, and price points to ensure they meet customer demand.

  • Budgeting: Retailers allocate budgets for purchasing inventory, marketing, operations, and other expenses to align with the merchandise assortment and financial goals.

  • Sales and Promotion Strategies: Retailers develop strategies to drive customer engagement and sales. This includes planning sales campaigns, pricing strategies, promotional events, and incentives to generate demand and maximise sales opportunities.

  • Supplier Management: Retailers review and manage relationships with vendors and suppliers, negotiating terms and ensuring a reliable supply chain for timely delivery of merchandise.

  • Execution and Monitoring: Once the season begins, retailers closely monitor sales performance, inventory levels, and customer feedback. They make adjustments as needed to optimise results and achieve the set goals.
Pre-season planning involves a comprehensive analysis of market trends, goal setting, merchandise planning, budgeting, sales strategies, and supplier management. It sets the roadmap for the upcoming season, enabling retailers to make informed decisions and maximise sales and profitability.

Pros of Pre-Season Planning

  1. Improved Sales and Profitability: Pre-season planning allows retailers to strategically align their merchandise assortment, pricing, and promotions with anticipated customer demand. By analysing market trends and setting clear goals, retailers can optimise their product offerings and pricing strategies to maximise sales and profitability.
  2. Efficient Resource Allocation: Pre-season planning helps retailers allocate their resources effectively. By setting budgets, retailers can plan their purchasing, marketing, and operational expenses accordingly. This ensures that resources are allocated optimally and helps prevent overspending or underutilisation of resources.
  3. Better Inventory Management: Pre-season planning enables retailers to forecast their inventory needs accurately. By analysing historical sales data and market trends, retailers can determine the right quantities and assortments of products to order. This helps prevent overstocking or understocking, minimising carrying costs and potential markdowns.

Cons of Pre-Season Planning

  1. Uncertain Market Conditions: Despite careful analysis and planning, market conditions can change unexpectedly. Consumer preferences, economic factors, and competitive landscape can shift, impacting the effectiveness of pre-season plans. This uncertainty can make it challenging to accurately forecast demand and may require retailers to adjust their strategies during the season.
  2. Rigidity and Limited Flexibility: Pre-season planning sets the framework for the season, but it may lack flexibility to quickly adapt to changing circumstances. Once plans are in motion, making significant changes or adjustments can be difficult, leading to missed opportunities or ineffective responses to market dynamics.
  3. Potential for Forecasting Errors: Pre-season planning relies heavily on forecasting demand, which inherently carries a risk of errors. Overestimating or underestimating demand can result in inventory imbalances, leading to excess stock or stockouts. Forecasting inaccuracies can also impact financial performance and hinder achieving set goals.


Below you will find answers to common questions
How can I determine the right merchandise assortment for the upcoming season?
Determining the right merchandise assortment involves a combination of factors. Start by analysing market trends and consumer preferences to identify popular product categories and styles. Review historical sales data to understand which products have performed well in previous seasons. Consider factors such as color trends, size ranges, and price points that resonate with your target customers. Additionally, gather feedback from your sales team or conduct customer surveys to gain insights into their preferences. By combining these inputs, you can develop a well-rounded merchandise assortment that aligns with market demand and customer preferences.
What should I do if my actual sales performance differs significantly from my pre-season plan?
If there is a significant deviation between your actual sales performance and the pre-season plan, it's important to analyse the root causes. Assess external factors such as changes in market conditions, shifts in consumer behaviour, or unexpected competition. Evaluate internal factors such as pricing, product assortment, or promotional strategies that may have influenced the sales performance. Based on the analysis, make necessary adjustments to your strategies, such as revising pricing, modifying promotional activities, or refreshing the merchandise assortment. Continuously monitor the sales performance and make agile decisions to optimise results throughout the season.