In-Season Planning

The ongoing process of monitoring, analysing, and adjusting product assortment, inventory, and pricing strategies during a selling season to optimise sales, margins, and inventory turnover.

What is In-Season Planning?

In-season planning involves monitoring and adjusting strategies during a specific selling season to optimise sales and performance. It includes analysing sales and demand, managing inventory, adjusting pricing and promotions, and making assortment adjustments based on market trends and customer preferences. The goal is to make timely decisions that maximise sales, minimise costs, and improve overall business outcomes.

How In-Season Planning works

  • Real-time Monitoring: In-season planning requires continuous monitoring of sales, customer demand, and market trends in real-time. It involves analysing data, tracking performance, and identifying patterns and opportunities as they arise.

  • Data-Driven Decision-making: In-season planning relies on data analysis and insights to make informed decisions. Retailers use various metrics, such as sales reports, inventory levels, and customer feedback, to evaluate performance and identify areas for improvement.

  • Agility and Flexibility: In-season planning emphasises the need for agility and flexibility. It allows retailers to quickly adapt strategies and tactics based on changing market conditions, customer preferences, or unforeseen events. This flexibility helps optimise sales and adjust inventory levels accordingly.

  • Adjustments and Optimisation: Based on the insights gained from monitoring and analysis, in-season planning involves making adjustments to various aspects of retail operations. These may include inventory management, pricing and promotions, assortment adjustments, and supply chain optimisations to maximise sales and profitability.

  • Collaboration and Communication: In-season planning requires effective collaboration and communication among different teams within a retail organisation. This ensures that all stakeholders are aligned, informed, and able to respond promptly to changing circumstances.
By following these key points, retailers can effectively implement in-season planning to optimise sales, manage inventory efficiently, and make data-driven decisions to enhance overall performance during a specific selling season.

Pros of In-Season Planning

  1. Improved Sales Performance: In-season planning allows retailers to monitor sales trends and customer demand in real-time, enabling them to make timely adjustments to maximise sales. By analysing data and making informed decisions about pricing, promotions, and assortment, retailers can optimise their offerings and capitalise on market opportunities, resulting in improved sales performance.
  2. Enhanced Inventory Management: In-season planning helps retailers effectively manage their inventory levels throughout the selling season. By closely monitoring inventory and demand patterns, retailers can make data-driven decisions about stock replenishment, reducing excess inventory, and implementing timely markdowns. This leads to improved inventory turnover, reduced carrying costs, and minimised stockouts.
  3. Adaptability to Market Changes: In-season planning enables retailers to be agile and responsive to market changes and customer preferences. By continuously monitoring market trends, customer feedback, and competitor activities, retailers can quickly adjust their strategies and tactics. This adaptability helps retailers stay relevant, seize new opportunities, and respond effectively to dynamic market conditions.

Cons of In-Season Planning

  1. Data Availability and Accuracy: In-season planning heavily relies on accurate and timely data. However, data availability and quality can be a challenge. Retailers may face issues with data collection, integration, and accuracy, which can affect the effectiveness of in-season planning efforts. Incomplete or unreliable data can lead to suboptimal decision-making and potentially negative outcomes.
  2. Time and Resource Constraints: In-season planning requires dedicated time, resources, and expertise to monitor and analyse data, make informed decisions, and implement necessary adjustments. Retailers with limited resources or competing priorities may find it challenging to allocate sufficient time and resources for effective in-season planning. This can hinder the ability to fully leverage the benefits of timely adjustments and optimisations.
  3. Organisational Alignment and Coordination: In-season planning involves collaboration and coordination across different teams and functions within a retail organisation. Lack of alignment or coordination can hinder the effectiveness of in-season planning efforts. Challenges may arise in terms of communication, decision-making processes, and achieving a unified approach to implementing adjustments and optimisations.


Below you will find answers to common questions
How can I effectively manage inventory during the selling season to avoid stockouts or excess inventory?
Effective inventory management during the selling season requires a data-driven approach. Retailers should closely monitor sales patterns, customer demand, and inventory levels in real-time. By using forecasting techniques and analysing historical data, retailers can make informed decisions about stock replenishment, reorder points, and safety stock levels. Additionally, implementing automated inventory management systems can help streamline processes and provide real-time visibility into inventory levels, enabling proactive actions to avoid stockouts or excess inventory.
What factors should I consider when adjusting pricing and promotions in-season?
Adjusting pricing and promotions in-season requires careful consideration of various factors. Retailers should analyse market trends, competitor pricing strategies, customer behaviour, and profitability goals. Pricing adjustments should align with the perceived value of products, competitive positioning, and demand elasticity. When it comes to promotions, retailers should evaluate the effectiveness of past promotions, customer response, and the impact on margins. Balancing promotional offers with profitability and maintaining a competitive edge are key considerations in adjusting pricing and promotions during the selling season.