Full-price Sell-through Rate

The percentage of inventory sold at the original retail price, without markdowns or discounts, over a specific period of time.

What is Full-price Sell-through Rate?

Full-price sell-through rate is the percentage of units sold at the original price out of the total units available. It helps retailers gauge the success of their pricing strategy and measure customer demand for products at full price. High sell-through rates indicate strong demand, while low rates may require adjustments to pricing or inventory management.

How Full-price Sell-through Rate works

  • Determine the total units available: This includes all the units of a specific product that were initially stocked or made available for sale.

  • Track the number of units sold at the original price: Monitor the sales transactions to identify how many units were sold at the full or original price.

  • Calculate the sell-through rate: Divide the number of units sold at the original price by the total units available and multiply it by 100 to get the sell-through rate percentage.

  • Analyse the results: A high sell-through rate indicates that a significant portion of the inventory was sold at the original price, suggesting strong customer demand. On the other hand, a low sell-through rate may indicate that customers are not willing to pay the full price, which could prompt retailers to reevaluate their pricing strategy or take actions to improve product performance.

  • Use the insights for decision-making: Retailers can use the sell-through rate data to make informed decisions about pricing, inventory management, and promotional strategies. It helps them identify popular products, assess the effectiveness of pricing strategies, and optimise inventory levels.
Overall, the full-price sell-through rate provides valuable insights into the performance of products at their original price point and helps retailers make data-driven decisions to maximise profitability and customer satisfaction.

Pros of Full-price Sell-through Rate

  1. Assessing product demand: The full-price sell-through rate helps retailers gauge the level of customer demand for specific products. A high sell-through rate indicates strong demand, indicating that the product is resonating with customers and generating healthy sales at the original price.
  2. Optimising inventory management: By tracking the full-price sell-through rate, retailers can make informed decisions regarding inventory management. A high sell-through rate suggests that a product is selling well, allowing retailers to adjust their inventory levels accordingly. They can reorder popular items to meet customer demand and reduce inventory of slower-moving products to optimise cash flow and minimise holding costs.
  3. Improving pricing and promotional strategies: Analysing the full-price sell-through rate provides insights into the effectiveness of pricing strategies. Retailers can identify products with high sell-through rates and consider maintaining or even increasing their prices. Conversely, products with low sell-through rates may require pricing adjustments or targeted promotions to stimulate sales.

Cons of Full-price Sell-through Rate

  1. Limited view of profitability: The full-price sell-through rate focuses on products sold at their original price, which may not reflect the overall profitability of the business. It does not account for any markdowns, discounts, or promotions that may impact the final profit margin. Therefore, relying solely on the sell-through rate may not provide a comprehensive picture of the overall financial performance.
  2. Ignoring external factors: The full-price sell-through rate may not take into account external factors that can influence sales, such as changes in the market, competition, or customer preferences. It is essential to consider these external factors alongside the sell-through rate to gain a complete understanding of product performance and make informed business decisions.
  3. Lack of context: While the full-price sell-through rate provides insights into how quickly products are selling at their original price, it does not provide context regarding the optimal sell-through rate for different product categories or industries. A high or low sell-through rate alone does not indicate success or failure without considering industry benchmarks or product-specific expectations.


Below you will find answers to common questions
What is the ideal full-price sell-through rate for our product category?
The ideal full-price sell-through rate for a product category can vary depending on factors such as industry norms, product lifecycle, and profit margins. It is essential to benchmark our sell-through rate against industry standards and compare it with historical data to determine if we are achieving optimal performance. Regularly monitoring and analysing the sell-through rate will help us identify trends and make necessary adjustments to optimise sales and profitability.
How does the full-price sell-through rate impact our inventory management and purchasing decisions?
The full-price sell-through rate provides valuable insights into how quickly our products are selling at their original price. By analysing the sell-through rate, we can assess the demand for different products and make informed decisions regarding inventory management and purchasing. A high sell-through rate suggests strong demand, indicating that we should maintain adequate stock levels and potentially consider reordering. On the other hand, a low sell-through rate may indicate slow-moving products that require markdowns or adjustments in future purchasing decisions to avoid excess inventory.