Prepack Allocation

The process of distributing prepackaged assortments of products, such as clothing in various sizes and colours, to retail stores or channels.

What is Prepack Allocation?

Prepack Allocation is a retail strategy where assortments of merchandise are packaged based on criteria like size or style and allocated to stores based on sales data and local preferences. It streamlines distribution, reduces excess stock, and improves sales performance.

How Prepack Allocation works

  • Assortment Creation: Retailers create prepacks based on various factors like size, color, style, or product type.

  • Sales Data Analysis: Historical sales data and customer preferences are analysed to determine the optimal assortment for each store.

  • Store Clustering: Stores are grouped into clusters based on factors like location, customer demographics, and purchasing behaviour.

  • Allocation: Prepacks are allocated to each store cluster according to their sales potential, ensuring that popular items are available where they are likely to sell better.

  • Replenishment: As items sell, the system triggers replenishments based on predefined rules and real-time sales data.

  • Performance Monitoring: Retailers continuously monitor sales and inventory data to adjust allocation strategies for maximum profitability.

  • Optimisation: Algorithms and machine learning can be used to refine allocation decisions over time based on the analysis of trends and customer behaviour.

  • Feedback Loop: Customer feedback, store feedback, and sales data are used to fine-tune the allocation process.
Prepack Allocation enhances inventory management, minimises stockouts, and optimises assortment for each store's unique needs.

Pros of Prepack Allocation

  1. Optimised Inventory: Prepack allocation helps retailers minimise overstock and stockouts by ensuring that the right products are available in the right quantities at each store, improving inventory turnover.
  2. Increased Sales: By tailoring assortments to local customer preferences, retailers can boost sales as customers find products that resonate with them, leading to improved customer satisfaction.
  3. Efficiency: Automated allocation processes save time and reduce human error in distribution, enabling retailers to focus on strategic planning and analysis.

Cons of Prepack Allocation

  1. Complex Implementation: Setting up a prepack allocation system requires careful configuration, integration with other systems, and training for staff, which can be time-consuming and challenging.
  2. Lack of Flexibility: While prepack allocation ensures consistent inventory distribution, it might not account for sudden changes in demand or unexpected shifts in customer preferences, leading to potential missed opportunities.
  3. Data Accuracy: Prepack allocation relies heavily on accurate data, and any errors or discrepancies in sales forecasts, historical data, or SKU attributes can result in ineffective allocation and potential inventory imbalances.


Below you will find answers to common questions
What is prepack allocation and why is it important for retailers?
Prepack allocation is a process in which pre-assembled assortments or packages of products are distributed to stores based on factors like customer demand, store size, and location. It ensures consistent product availability and reduces the risk of overstock or stockouts. Prepack allocation enhances operational efficiency by streamlining inventory management.
How does prepack allocation differ from traditional inventory management?
Traditional inventory management involves manual monitoring and restocking of individual products at stores. Prepack allocation, on the other hand, involves creating predefined assortments at the distribution center and sending them to stores. This approach minimises the need for manual intervention at the store level and optimises the allocation of products based on demand patterns and store characteristics.