Assortment Scorecard

A tool used to evaluate the performance of a retailer's product offering, considering factors such as sales, margins, inventory levels, and customer satisfaction.

What is Assortment Scorecard?

An assortment scorecard is a tool used by retailers to evaluate their product assortment's performance. It includes key metrics like sales performance, profitability, inventory management, customer satisfaction, and market competitiveness. Retailers use the scorecard to track performance, make data-driven decisions, and optimise their assortment strategy.

How Assortment Scorecard works

  • Metrics: The scorecard includes key metrics such as sales performance, profitability, inventory turnover, customer satisfaction, and market share. These metrics provide insights into the performance and effectiveness of the assortment.

  • Data Collection: Retailers gather data on sales, inventory levels, customer feedback, and other relevant factors to populate the scorecard. This data can come from various sources, including point-of-sale systems, inventory management software, and customer surveys.

  • Analysis and Evaluation: The collected data is analysed and compared against predefined benchmarks and targets. Retailers use this analysis to identify strengths and weaknesses in their assortment strategy. They can evaluate the performance of individual products, categories, brands, or segments to determine their contribution to overall sales and profitability.

  • Decision Making: The insights gained from the assortment scorecard help retailers make data-driven decisions. They can identify underperforming products or categories and take corrective actions such as adjusting pricing, changing product mix, or discontinuing low-performing items. The scorecard also aids in identifying opportunities for assortment expansion or optimisation.

  • Continuous Improvement: The assortment scorecard is a tool for ongoing assessment and improvement. Retailers regularly review and update the scorecard to ensure it aligns with their business goals and market dynamics. By tracking performance over time, retailers can measure the impact of assortment changes and refine their strategies accordingly.
Overall, the assortment scorecard provides a holistic view of a retailer's product assortment and enables informed decision-making to drive sales, profitability, and customer satisfaction.

Pros of Assortment Scorecard

  1. Data-Driven Decision Making: The assortment scorecard provides retailers with a data-driven approach to decision making. By analysing key metrics and performance indicators, retailers can make informed decisions about their product assortment. This helps in optimising the assortment mix, identifying top-performing products, and making strategic choices based on actual sales and customer preferences.
  2. Improved Sales and Profitability: The assortment scorecard helps retailers identify high-performing products and categories, allowing them to allocate resources and focus on areas that drive sales and profitability. By eliminating underperforming products or adjusting the assortment mix, retailers can optimise their product offerings and maximise revenue potential.
  3. Enhanced Customer Satisfaction: A well-planned assortment based on customer preferences leads to improved customer satisfaction. By leveraging the assortment scorecard, retailers can identify customer trends and demands, ensuring that their product offerings align with customer expectations. This can result in higher customer loyalty, increased repeat purchases, and positive word-of-mouth, ultimately driving business growth.

Cons of Assortment Scorecard

  1. Data Complexity and Accuracy: Implementing an assortment scorecard requires access to accurate and reliable data. Retailers need to have robust data collection and management systems in place to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the data used for analysis. Dealing with large volumes of data and ensuring data quality can be a complex and resource-intensive process.
  2. Subjectivity and Bias: Developing an assortment scorecard involves making decisions about which metrics and indicators to include and how to weigh them. This introduces the potential for subjectivity and bias in the scoring methodology. Retailers need to carefully consider the factors included in the scorecard and ensure that they align with their overall business objectives and customer preferences.
  3. Limited Contextual Understanding: While the assortment scorecard provides valuable insights into product performance, it may lack the ability to capture the full context of market dynamics and customer behaviour. It may not consider external factors such as seasonal trends, competitor strategies, or changing consumer preferences that can influence product performance. Retailers should supplement the scorecard with additional market research and strategic analysis to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the retail landscape.


Below you will find answers to common questions
How can I use the assortment scorecard to optimise my product assortment?
The assortment scorecard provides a comprehensive evaluation of product performance based on various metrics such as sales, profitability, and customer demand. To optimise your product assortment, you can use the scorecard to identify underperforming products and make data-driven decisions on whether to discontinue or modify them. Additionally, the scorecard can highlight high-performing products, allowing you to allocate more resources and promotional efforts to drive their success.
How can I leverage the assortment scorecard to improve customer satisfaction?
The assortment scorecard considers customer-centric metrics such as customer feedback, ratings, and reviews to evaluate product performance. By analysing these metrics, you can identify products that consistently receive positive feedback and high customer satisfaction scores. This information can help you curate a product assortment that aligns with customer preferences and enhances their overall shopping experience. Additionally, the scorecard can identify gaps in customer satisfaction, allowing you to address issues and make improvements to product offerings or customer service.